23 August 2012

Monster fun

We've had a great 2nd week in my room...our monster unit was so much fun! We broke out "The Day The Monster Came to School" from Growing Kinders and talked all about expectations for how to act in school. My kids are doing great and really getting used to our classroom routines. And they are GREAT cleaners!! I am the most organized and well planned that I have ever been (in my 2 years and 2 week long teaching career haha) I have lots of pictures to share so I'll get right to it :)

Monster counting practice.  Can I just say one more time how much I love that counting and cardinality is a full on standard in CCSS??

More counting practice! This was so fun...they read the number and glued that many googly eyes to the monster. Great counting AND fine motor skills...double win :)

Color word practice

We learned to roll and write...I figured they'd better get used to this activity because they will be rolling and writing all year long haha. Yay for subitizing :)

 We started learning about shapes this week and we made square monsters and triangle monsters. I didn't grab a shot of any finished ones, but we put the shape song and a popsicle stick on the back and they turned into puppets. I had to stop a few shape monsters from destroying each other during dismissal time but other than that they were a great success. You can download the shape songs that my teammate made up at the bottom of the post :)

M is for monster !!

Today we read "Go away big green monster" and made our own big monsters. I think they turned out hilarious!!

The paper for the big monsters is also in the freebie below. Everything else is available in my Monster Madness unit. Click on any of the pictures to see it in my store.

It was a super fun week...and tomorrow Zero the Hero is coming to school :) Good times!

Monster Freebies

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Love your unit. It is definitely a must have. Thanks for sharing.
    "The Wonderful World of Kindergarten"

  2. I found your blog through Classroom Freebies Manic Monday. It is so cute! I love the googly eye monsters! Such an adorable unit!

    I'm giving away my first freebie today! Be sure to check it out!
    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks
