
Lots of wintery activities.

I have been a busy busy bee. As soon as the weekend hit my brain exploded in fun winter ideas and part of me is getting excited for break to be over so I can start having fun with my kiddos. Only part of me though, the other part is soaking up all these lazy mornings and late nights with friends and family :)

Here's some things I've been working on:
My winter math books are done. My kids did great with the christmas set so I decided to make a winter set as well to reinforce some of those skills that may have floated out of their brains a bit over the long break :)  Click the picture to find it in my store.

I also finished my winter interactive emergent readers. I think it's so funny that I live in Florida but spend most of January teaching about snowmen and winter clothes. Hopefully these will be a little more relevant to your kiddos if you are living ANYWHERE north of me haha

You can also grab those two along with my January Morning Work all together in my Winter Bundle.

Finally here's a freebie for you. A cute little emergent reader that goes through the steps to build a snowman :) Just click on the picture to grab your copy. Happy Monday everyone!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

January Morning Work

I hope you are all having a wonderful break with your loved ones. My break has been a mix of extreme stress and extreme bumming around my house haha. So so glad that we don't go back until January 8th! My brain is already starting to wander into planning mode and I FINALLY finished my January morning work. It is packed with 4 weeks of common core skills in both reading and math. Click on the pics to find it in my store.


I'M ALIVE!! (and some Christmas freebies)

OH.MY.GOODNESS I cannot believe it is already almost halfway through December!! Life has been all KINDS of crazy this semester and I have neglected my poor innocent blog for far too long! We have been busy busy busy in my room getting ready for our Christmas program, making our big Christmas books (blog post about that to come when they are done!!) report card testing, and doing lots and lots of great learning. I have some random pictures to share from just some of the moments (when I remembered to snap pics) over the last few weeks.  AND a great freebie to share with you at the bottom :)

 This fun sight word center came from the Vicki Plant's fabulous Christmas Unit :)

 Super easy ornaments using pipe cleaners and pony beads. Great fine motor the kids were SILENT at this center haha.

These next few are from my Christmas Math Books pack.

 This was another quick fix for a center when the copier broke last week. These reindeer were so simple but the kids loved making them and they turned out so cute :)

 Scrambled sight word book (one of the freebies at the bottom of the post :)

 OK I just discovered Maria Manore's (Kinder-craze) AMAZING interactive sight word readers and I am IN LOVE with them!! This was one of the pages from Do You See The Gingerbread Man. There are a TON more...go check out here store :)
 These are from my partner teacher's class from last Friday when we decorated gingerbread cookies. The hair on these gingerbread girls cracked me up! haha

 These next few activities are in my Christmas Ten Frames pack.

 This is also in one of the freebies below :)

And now for all my sweet followers 2 freebies. The first is a mini math pack to help you get through these last few crazy days. You can grab it below or in my store here.  I also have the scrambled sight word Christmas lights book below. There are blank pages at the end to program your own words :)

Christmas Freebie 1_merged Sight Word Christmas Lights
Have a great rest of the week everyone :) Don't forget to leave some love if you download!!

Freebie Fridays
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


Sale Sale Sale!!

I did ZERO Black Friday shopping this year. I dropped some friends off at the airport in Atlanta and spent the rest of the day at the Georgia Aquarium which was AWESOME! There was literally nothing I could think of to get me to a mall that day haha but I am SO excited for the big TPT sale this week. I just finished some new stuff for Christmas :)

Christmas Interactive Emergent readers

Christmas Interactive Math Books. These are going to be great for hitting some of the math skills I am trying to drive home in December (anchoring to 5, making 10 ect.)

Christmas Silly Sentence Center

And my December Morning Work is ready also :)

Click any of the pictures to find them in my store OR you can get it all in my Christmas Bundle.


December Morning Work and a Freebie :)

I have some fun pictures to share this week of our Thanksgiving activities, but for now I just wanted to share that my December morning work is ready! You can find it in my store by clicking on any of the pictures.
Also, to celebrate the last Monday before Thanksgiving here's a few Christmas themed freebies for you. The first one is a sequencing activity. The students write the number on the bag and then sequence. The second one is self explanatory :) Happy Monday!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Here comes Thanksgiving!!

Ready of not, November is here! We have a field trip tomorrow (to see Mr. Al YAY) and then we are jumping right into Thanksgiving. Last year due to some illenesses and poor planning I had about 5 days to teach Thanksgiving and it was a mad dash to the end people! WHEW!! Not this year. I had a LOT of time to sit waiting in airports today so I have some new things to share with you for November.

First up, is a Thanksgiving Math Unit...there are TONS of ideas and centers in here. Click any of the pictures to find it in my store.

Here's a little freebie as a preview to the unit. We are starting to work on anchoring numbers 6-10 to the number 5 which helps so much with number sense and counting on.  Click the picture to grab the book from Google Docs :)

I also just finished my Thanksgiving Interactive Books. This set has 4 different books to use with 3 color versions. Click the picture to find it.

And don't forget the Thanksgiving Morning Work Packet...I'm so excited to break these out this week :)

Have a great week everyone and Happy Voting :)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday