
New look, a sale, and a freebie :)

Y'all I cannot tell you how much I miss blogging. Between moving states, switching grade levels and about 100 other things going on in the last year this poor little blog has been so sadly neglected but I truly miss sharing and creating and collaborating with all of you! While I still miss Kindergarten with all my heart, my current "first grade adventure" will be continuing for at least 1 more year and I already have 1000 ideas rolling around in my head!!

First up was a brand new blog design! I have been wanting to do this for a very long time and after lots of comparing and shopping around I found the FABULOUS Tenille. I cannot say enough about how wonderful she was to work with. She managed to take my sporadic design and color ideas and create exactly what I wanted. The first day it was installed I kept logging on just to look at it!
I've been knocking off a ton of things on my To-Do List and slowly updating ooollldddd products so to celebrate my return to blogging, I'm throwing a sale in my store today and tomorrow. Click on the picture to find some of my most recent products :)


Lastly, I wanted to share this quick freebie with you. I'm excited to be really digging into better math instruction this year (much more on that to come as the school year goes on). My math brain has been buzzing all summer. This is one of my favorite games to get kids talking about making different combinations of numbers. I hope you can use it in your room!!


Have a GREAT holiday weekend :)


  1. Thank you! I love the new design.

  2. Your blog looks great!! And welcome to the first grade world! It definitely is an adventure! ;)

    First Grade Garden

  3. Are your letter sound playdough mats all the letters of the alphabet?

    1. Yes! And for the vowels there are beginning sounds and middle sounds :)

  4. Oh my goodness, I LOVE the new look of your blog! It's SO cute!
