
"Dinosaurs, big as trees..."

5 school days left until summer and this teacher is SO ready. I have been neglecting my poor little blog this week, and I'm currently fighting a headache and avoiding report cards so this is going to be short and sweet. But I did want to share a few pictures from the end of our dinosaur unit.

On Monday we finished up dinosaurs with some fun stations. My sand FINALLY dried so I was able to bury the pasta pieces and have the kids "dig them up". This was so funny to watch. Some of them were so meticulous about it...brushing off every last grain of sand before placing their "bone" in the right place on their sorting mat. They had to find enough of each bone in the sand before they could build their dino. I used jumbo shells for the skull, rotini for the spine, linguini for the ribs and mini pene to make the arms and legs. Apparently I didn't get a shot of the finished "T-Rex" but they turned out pretty cute.

They also got to make fossils using Play-doh and these great dinosaur skeletons I snagged from Amazon.

I forgot to snap a picture of the dinosaur directed drawing that they did at a third station but they turned out SO cool! I just found these on Making Learning Fun and I am going to print and laminate a bunch of them to use for next year!

I meant to share this kids absolutely could not get enough of this song!! They were singing it to themselves during centers. (We did have to have a little talk about how the singer was not actually saying the "a" word...even I went scrambling for the mouse the first time I heard it haha)

OK that's all I have for I said, short and sweet. I suppose I should get back to my report cards now.

Here I go...

I'm going...

....oh look, Piterest.....



  1. We're doing dinosaurs as our last unit too. I love the idea of pasta fossils and we'll have to try out that song. Although, the parents are still recovering from the Baby Beluga of our ocean unit-apparently the kids sang it incessantly. :)


  2. Love the dino stuff. I did not do a dino theme this year, but am definitely doing one next year!
    Love the pasta fossils.
