

It is FALL. I absolutely LOVE this time of year. To celebrate (and to make up for being a bad blogger this month) I am throwing a sale in my store. Click the picture to get to my store and happy shopping!


Number and letter tracing freebies.

Hello friends! I'm have been so bad about blogging lately. Life has been CUH-RAZY!! So so so much going on! We are halfway through our apple unit and I am excited to actually spend 5 whole days with my kids this week (I have been out of the room 4 days over the last 2 weeks...NOT OK). I'm so excited that apples and fall and scarecrows and OCTOBER are all starting...I love teaching at this time of year (even though I live in GREEN Florida with no fall colors!!) I just wanted to share something I made today. These are going to be in my morning star rotations that I will be blogging about later this week. I was inspired by these stroke cards (not sure if that's their official name).

My kiddos need LOTS of fine motor help and number formation. I'm going to rotate these number flip books in with the stroke cards.

Click on either of the pictures below to download them from my store :)

Hope you all have a great week!!

UPDATE: I decided to make a set for letters too :)

I'm joining in with Kindergarten Lifestyle's Letter formation Linky Party. Click on the picture to find her great post on gelly bags (how have I never seen those before?? Brilliant!!)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Freebie Fridays


Kindergarten Common Core

I have been loving the new common core standards so far this year. I was lucky enough to get a jump start on learning the standards last year when I was on the math launch team so I have had a while to get my feet wet. I am so excited about this resource because not only is it packed FULL of great resources, they are ALL for Kindergarten! If you are implementing CCSS anytime in the near future this is an invaluable resource for you!!
You can find out more by going to Kindergarten Common Core

Long week and gearing up for apples.

This week has flown by...we had a training on Monday and I spent most of the rest of the week in a losing battle with my allergies. I went home at 10 on Tuesday and missed all of Wednesday. I HATE missing school at this time of year but I was completely non functional. My kids did great with the sub though, and they were not nearly as unkempt as I expected them to be on the first day back after two days of a sub. My class this year rocks :) I have lots of blog ideas written in my head for fun stuff I have started this year but I'm too wiped out so for now I'm sharing my newest product. We are starting our two week unit on apples next week and I just finished my apple math unit. Here's a pic of everything in the unit
You can click on the picture to find it in my store. Below there is a freebie from the unit. I also have a whole set of these roll and write activities available here. Apple Roll and Write
Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, a sale, and some freebies!!

Wow last week feels like it went on forever. We didn't get Monday off like we were hoping because Issac turned west but we did have a whole day stuck inside because of the rain...thank God my projector was working that day! (it's currently on a truck being sent out on its second tech call of the year). We also had open house Thursday night and I spent most of the evening Wednesday watching my mom get her finger stitched up after a minor onion cutting incident. This teacher is popped...hooray for Labor Day!

With all that excitement we had such a fun week with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We started doing "rotations" this week. Just literacy stations for now, hopefully math will start next week. When my kids start rotating in the beginning of the year I feel like I can breathe again. I am in awe of those of you who can start centers the first week of school. We started learning with play centers and got down the routine of staying at your station, cleaning, and safely getting to your next station. This week I added some work stations into the mix so we could start learning staying on task and doing good work. I am not ready for my big rotations yet but my goal is to get there by the time I teach apples in 2 weeks. This week we did 4 rotations with 4 stations so I had bigger groups and it was all done in 1 works for now. The kids did GREAT!

I only have a few pictures to share of some of our stations and some other fun stuff we did.

 Shape this great idea from Julie Lee :)

Our shape trees with our name trees. So fun and colorful in this corner.
 I used a Fiskars hole punch to cut out these little coconuts to use at this math center. Counting and fine motor practice. You can download the paper from Scribd at the bottom of the post.
 This is from my Chicka Unit. They picked out magnet letters and matched them on the cookie sheet.
 ABC matching fun

 Mr Dale came and cracked a coconut for us! The kids got to taste the milk, eat the raw coconut and then compare it to some shredded coconut. SO.FUN.
Now that I have student work up on my walls my room is starting to really feel like home :)

Finally here's your freebie.

Chicka Counting Trees

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday