Long week and gearing up for apples.

This week has flown by...we had a training on Monday and I spent most of the rest of the week in a losing battle with my allergies. I went home at 10 on Tuesday and missed all of Wednesday. I HATE missing school at this time of year but I was completely non functional. My kids did great with the sub though, and they were not nearly as unkempt as I expected them to be on the first day back after two days of a sub. My class this year rocks :) I have lots of blog ideas written in my head for fun stuff I have started this year but I'm too wiped out so for now I'm sharing my newest product. We are starting our two week unit on apples next week and I just finished my apple math unit. Here's a pic of everything in the unit
You can click on the picture to find it in my store. Below there is a freebie from the unit. I also have a whole set of these roll and write activities available here. Apple Roll and Write
Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Thanks for the freebie!! I also wanted to ask you a question, but I can't find your email! :) If you have a chance will you email me at caitlin0225@aol.com :)

    Kindergarten Smiles

  2. Thanks for the great freebie. Your apple unit looks great:)

  3. What a cute activity! Thank you so much for sharing. Tina

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