
Bats, bats, bats.

I am so excited because we FINALLY started our 9 center rotations this week. It has taken me FOREVER to get these up and running this year mostly due to our severe overcrowding this year and the fact that we have been shifting students basically since the start of the year. Our second new Kindergarten class is being formed on Thursday.  I  blogged all about how I do my literacy stations here. I love love love this method. The kids did SO great. They get so much accomplished and are really engaged...it's awesome :)

I didn't get pictures of all our stations, but I do have some shots of a few things we've done so far this week.

The bats turned out super cute. It's just 2 die cut circles, one of them cut in half to make wings. This guy hadn't finished his silly sentence yet when I shot this picture :)

A few of the great activities in Caitlin's awesome bat unit. 

This brace map activity went great...it was a perfect assessment so see that my kiddos were finally comfortable enough with decomposing 4. We are moving on to 5 this week. You can grab these brace maps here

The playdoh center was supposed to have the sight words on bats but I ran out of laminating sheets last night (and I can't even talk about the drama that is our laminator at school!!) Luckily I found these babies already prepped from last year and we had a little preview of pumpkins next week ha.  This was the first time I broke out the playdoh letter stamps from Lakeshore and my kids went nuts over them!!

Found this great song today on Youtube. My kids had a blast learning about echolocation with this song.

As a side note, we had some scheduling shifts today and didn't get to do our writer's workshop and I had 2 kids complain that they missed it...WIN :)

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