
Getting ready for bats!

Wow...October 14th already?? This fall is FLYING BY. I am so so so excited to start my bat unit this week! It's ironic because I had a "run in" with a bat a few years ago that resulted in my sister and I needing a round of rabies vaccinations. The sounds of live bats still kind of give me the creeps so I might have to plug my ears for some of the the discovery streaming videos I found to use this week ha! We will be using Caitlin Clabby's AMAZING bat unit. Go check out her post with her cute activities here.

I made another set of number bonds to use in math. We are just finishing up decomposing the number 4 and moving on to 5 this week. I'm moving slower through the numbers this year because last year I started to rush it a bit and my kids fell apart when we started decomposing 5 and 6. You can find some number bonds and brace maps for 4 and 5 below. I made a color teacher version of the number bonds also. I usually use these and just stick a post it note over one of the numbers and we talk about what number is "hiding". I think half the reason I'm excited about teaching bats is that KPM Doodles' clip art is just so darn cute! I am trying to use Google Docs again. PLEASE let me know if you have trouble downloading or accessing the file. You SHOULD be able to click on the picture and get to it :)
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. This is GREAT! Thank you so much! These will go along beautifully with Stellaluna this week for my K kids! :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  3. These are wonderful! Thank you for sharing! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  4. So fun! Thank you so much for sharing!! Tina

  5. Love these! Thanks for sharing! It is greatly appreciated!
    ~ Amy
