
Fun stuff for October.

This is my absolute favorite time of year. One day I will get to teach about fall things while living in fall weather and wearing boots and scarves instead of shorts and sandals in October. But all the same, I love this time of year. My brain has been exploding with new ideas for October. Here's a few new resources you can grab in my store.

The first one is a freebie stamping book. My kids LOVE these stamping books and they hit so many great skills. We stamp every week in my room. We are going to use this one next week when we start our pumpkin unit.
I also made a pack of pumpkin themed number bonds. Click either picture to find them in my store. They are on sale right now!!

Fun little pumpkin math center. I'm all about the subitizing :)

My fall morning work has actually become my fall homework packs. My morning routine has shifted a bit and I started sending these home as homework in 1 week packs. When/if the pack comes back to me, they get the next week. This way I save paper and I know exactly who is doing what.

Finally, looking ahead to Halloween, some fun interactive emergent readers. These come with full color versions of each book.

Hope your Monday was fabulous...can't wait to share some of the fun we are having with bats this week :)

Freebie Fridays

1 comment:

  1. Your pumpkin projects are wonderful. Love the graphing idea. Thank you!

